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Your Guide To Thermography: What Every Woman Should Be Informed About!

Thank you to Dr. Karin Jakubowski for posting her Momnificent podcast on YouTube this year entitled “Thermography Facts: What Women Don’t Know”.

During the 26-minute interview Karin asked such insightful questions as….

“What is thermography and what does it see that a mammogram does not?”

“What is the difference between “diagnosing” and “early detection”

in breast screening?”

“How accurate is thermography versus other screenings. What can

be done to boost the accuracy of results?”

“Why should a gal choose prevention and education over having no screening choice, fear in the process, and a possible cancer scare?”

“Can you share the process of a typical thermography screening visit and the protocol for setting a breast baseline in thermography?”

Karin has been a long-time thermography screener, and she was eager to get the word out to her subscribers to let them know about this valuable screening service. If you are looking for detailed information on thermography and how it can benefit you (or you wish to share the benefits of thermography with others) please take a look at the podcast through the link provided below.

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